Jumat, 08 Mei 2015
voltage source resonant
Rangkaian Voltage Source Resonant Rangkaian ini paling banyak dipakai oleh berbagai industri ballast elektronik saat ini. Tegangan AC se...
Kamis, 07 Mei 2015
Tipe ballast elektronik
Tipe Ballast Elektronik Ballast elektronik untuk menyalakan lampu TL yaitu : Flyback Inverter Tipe ini tidak terlalu populer karena...
Ballast elektronik
Fungsi Dan Kelebihan Ballast Elektronik Ballast elektronik merupakan rangkaian kontrol untuk menyalakan lampu TL (fluorescent) yang...
Senin, 04 Mei 2015
Scematic and photos
Scematics and photos Bigluz 20W Compact fluorescent lamp Bigluz 20W use classic wiring with a small changes. Values of parts are modi...
Repair of electronic
Repair of electronics Repair of electronics usually means change of capacitor C3 if he is brobek. When burns fuse, probably will be dama...
Links http://www.simandl.cz/stranky/elektro/starter/starter.htm Page with a description of electronic starter in a Czech language. ht...
Reviewing Most of these compact fluorescent lamps use same or very similar wiring. more expensive lamps use a little complicated wiring w...
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